What’s In Your Bag?
There is a question I ask myself from time to time. I heard it first from Luc Gingras when he preached at Wellspring Christian Fellowship in North Bay, Ontario. “What’s in your bag?” he asked as he placed a bag on the stage beside him. The question caught me off guard. “What’s in my bag?”
Luc’s answer was “Revival!” Revival was in his bag!
Today when I revisited the question” What’s in my bag?” I imagined Mary Poppin’s carpet bag. I remembered the awe on the children’s faces in the movie when an empty bag produced a hat stand, a mirror, a plant and a five foot high lamp. “But there was nothing in it!” exclaims the child. “Never judge things by their appearance” says Mary Poppins. Why was I remembering the Mary Poppin’s bag? How does it represent my bag? What’s in my bag?
Faith is in my bag. Sometimes my bag seems empty, but when I live by faith and not by sight, (2 Cor. 5:7) and I wait to see what the Lord will say to me, (Hab. 2: 1) I trust in the Lord’s ability to provide when my bag seems empty. Like Mary Poppin’s I have faith to believe there are new gifts in my bag. Today the Lord is saying to trust Him in these times of uncertainty. Sometimes having an empty bag leaves room for the new thing to come (Is. 43:19.) I believe this time of uncertainty is opening up space to build up our faith in a new way, to encourage us all to watch and see what the Lord will say and to trust in His ability to provide.
What’s in your bag?